Ethics In The Handling Of Information Of The Medical Visitor

As has been said in previous posts, the importance that exists in the handling of information by the medical visitor is fundamental, since it guarantees in some way, the ideal provision of a service to all its clients.

The correct management of information opens the doors to new opportunities to generate long-term and high-fidelity labor relations.

Ethics In The Handling Of Information Of The Medical Visitor
Ethics In The Handling Of Information Of The Medical Visitor

The medical representative must remember the importance of ethics in the handling of information, since it is one of the guarantees that can prevail when generating loyalty relationships.

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At the same time, it will meet the objectives established by each pharmaceutical laboratory and will facilitate the work of the doctor, all with the main purpose of satisfying and exceeding the needs and requirements of patients who, as has been said in previous posts, at the heart of all the operation.

In this sense, ethics also allows respectful relationships to be generated between all the parties that act for effective medical care for a patient.


Because you cannot make a recommendation to a direct customer about a drug that may not have our trust as such, since this can cause collateral damage not only to the indirect customer who consumes them (patient), but can have many more consequences. negative for the health center, for the medical professional, for the medical representative as such and for the laboratory that manufactures said medicines.

On the other hand, the management of ethics within the work of the medical representative, also has to do with the loyalty that may exist towards the laboratories and their products as such, as well as all the factors associated with the requirements and needs of the direct client. , based on good service to indirect customers.

There should always be good advice regarding the scope of the product and the benefits that its consumption can bring to the patient and, on the other hand, it is convenient and appropriate to warn about certain side effects that the medication could have, even if it is not described in some things. in the prescription.

The role of the medical representative must be ethical because they must be well versed in the characteristics of the product and all the precepts of quality of service as a competitive strategy.

Good management of customs by the medical representative will lead to success and at the same time, will generate important recognition within the pharmaceutical market.

Last but not least, it is essential to highlight the role of ethics in the management of organizational relationships, since it allows the development of special links that convey professionalism and attachment to the profession.

This provides all the components of the health system in which the patient participates through the recommendations of the visitor to his specialist client (doctor), effective advice that allows him to have a better quality of life and confidence in the system itself as such.

Ethics represents a fundamental element for the proper behavior of a medical representative with his colleagues and at the same time, with all the components of the pharmaceutical market, which will guarantee, to a certain extent, the permanence of this type of professionals in the industry.

Without ethics within the exercise of the medical representative, there would only be transactional relationships that meet the needs of the client of the present age (information age).

This would represent an imminent risk for the sales representative to disappear as a profession!

If the needs of direct and indirect customers are not attended to in an effective and humane way, we will be lost!

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