5 Clever Strategy To Get Orders From Medical Shops As Medical Representative
5 Clever Strategies to Get Orders from Medical Shops as a Medical Representative and Tips to Monitor Your Product and Medicine Sales
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5 Clever Strategy To Get Orders From Medical Shops As Medical Representative |
In our past posts, we showed you what makes a good and successful medical representative, how to convince a doctor to prescribe your medicine, and today we are going to discuss how to monitor your product sales so that you can authentically submit your daily call reports (DCR). Along with some clever strategies that force medical shops to sell your medicines and convince doctors to prescribe your medicine. I am assuming that you have successfully convinced our doctor, and he is prescribing your medicines. Now the next step is how to assure that your doctor is really prescribing or telling you a lie.
So to check that, here are 5 tips through which you will be able to monitor your product sales.
Research Where People Go to Buy Medicines
Find out the nearest medical shops near your doctor's clinic. And ask the owner, in free time when there is no rush in the medical shop, if they have received any orders for your medicines.
How to Convince Medical Shop Owners to Keep Your Medicines
If not, then convince the medical shop owner to keep your product in the shop. If he does not agree, the first step is to tell him that the doctor told you that he will prescribe your medicines. If he does not convince on this, make a deal with him. Offer him 5% commission on overall sales or give him 10 tablets for free for keeping your tablets.
Medical device companies for jobsHow to Not Empty Your Pocket
If you find it tough, contact your dealer and wholesaler to make a deal and get free samples of your medicines. This is a win-win strategy that works as long as your relationship becomes strong with doctors and medical shops.
10 things every medical representative must keep in his bagReason Why Doctors Will Surely Prescribe Your Medicines
Now the next thing is to go to the doctor and tell the doctor that you have given 10 packets of medicines to that medical shop. So, sir, you can prescribe, and the medicines are available.
Tools to impress doctorsCheers! You Won the Game
This method really convinces both doctors and medical shops, and the overall benefit is yours. It may seem strange, but remember it is business, and you have to succeed.
After this, doctors and medical shops will have no excuse but remember overall orders and sales will depend on the effectiveness of your medicines.
Quality Is King
If your medicines are not effective, you will not get orders after some time, so be cautious about it.
You can simply say that these strategies will force doctors and medical shops to prescribe your medicines and get orders.
Secret plans to sell medicines