The Secrets To Sell Anything To Anyone

The secrets to sell anything to anyone

The Secrets To Sell Anything To Anyone
The Secrets To Sell Anything To Anyone

One of my recent readings was the book "The secrets of selling anything to anyone" by Fredrik Eklund, one of the bestsellers most recommended by the New York Times.

While it is true, the book does not bring any new theory or miraculous recipe, it does bring a very good compendium of some of the attitudes that we should have as professional salespeople to get closer to our customers.

The trust

We must generate trust in our interactions and knowledge with the client, trust towards us and towards our products. Ultimately, our client is buying the trust that he has in the good or service that we are providing. Therefore, before trying to sell to him, we should focus on making him trust us and our company.

To achieve this trust, we must fulfill and maintain each of our agreements and commitments. If at any time we cannot honor a commitment, we should communicate it in advance and with sincerity. This way, we will not undermine the trust our client has in us.


Sales happen in the dialogue and conversation, the moment when we begin to interact with our client and they express their needs. The magic occurs when, with our sales skills, we align their needs with what our portfolio of products and services can offer.

Our role is to let the client speak and listen carefully with active listening. By doing so, we can later use a few key words to show them that our product or service is the solution to their need.

It's not the seller who talks the most that sells the most; it's the one who listens best. On average, our client should lead the conversation about 90%, while we speak the remaining 10%.

Be transparent

We should be honest with ourselves and our products. If we make an error or have not performed well in front of a client, we should be able to turn those mistakes into learning opportunities that enhance our ability to serve future clients.

Clients value sincerity and honesty. When we admit our mistakes and explain how we've learned from them to better serve the client, it builds trust. Clients see us as a mature company that has learned from its mistakes and can provide reliable support.

Don't sell ice to the Himalayas

Selling is about bringing happiness to our client by satisfying a real need they have. We should listen carefully to discover their genuine needs and then satisfy them. We shouldn't sell products or services that our clients don't need; that's like selling ice to the Himalayas.

Let's be optimistic

Optimism is crucial in sales. While being realistic has its place, we must start with optimism and believe that success is possible. We need discipline and tools to monitor our progress and adjust our strategy to reach our goals.

We cannot start a game thinking we're going to lose. We have to be optimistic, disciplined, and attentive to indicators to achieve our goals.


After presenting a proposal, we should follow up on the client's decision-making process. We should be close to the client, ready to clarify any questions about our offer and adapt it as needed. It's an exercise of staying connected with the client while respecting their space.

Not always the answer is yes

Resilience is essential for professional sellers. Not every sale will succeed, and not every client will say yes. However, we should always learn from our experiences, adapt, and prepare for future opportunities.

There are times when we may not understand the reasons for a rejection, but resilience helps us maintain discipline and optimism as we continue through the sales process, ultimately being able to sell anything to anyone.

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