3 Basic Steps to Overcome Bullying at Doctor Visits

All medical representatives experience some level of bullying at one time or another. In this article, we will try to figure out why it occurs, what problems it can cause, and how to overcome it.

3 Basic Steps to Overcome Bullying at Doctor Visits
3 Basic Steps to Overcome Bullying at Doctor Visits

Why are sales representatives intimidated?

These professionals are dedicated to selling to experts in their fields. Whether we are selling to a doctor, a nurse or a certified technician, we always assume that they have far more knowledge and training than we will ever have. Let us take the example of the doctor, since he is normally the most trained specialist in this sector.

tips to promote your product to doctors

If you are a new sales representative for a medical products company or contacting that doctor for the first time, you will offer him a different product line than what he has been recommending. Since we know that we only have a fraction of the knowledge and education that a doctor has on this subject, it can be intimidating when we are trying to sell you a solution to a particular problem. We know that we are not dealing as equals in your area of ​​expertise. This type of thinking can fall on us like a heavy weight when we make this comparison between ourselves and the doctor.

The doctor controls the environment in which we sell. Also, we go to his office or his clinic, his territory, where he is the king. We are selling to someone in a place where he has all the control. This can be aggravated if you are not experienced enough and are not used to this type of interaction. All of this can be very intimidating.

In addition, we know that the doctor has the power to reward us, ignore us and even punish us if he takes away the business we already had. It seems that we give him a role of mercy and we are one step below.

Another element of intimidation is the treatment that doctors themselves give to visitors. Many doctors can be somewhat haughty people themselves, addressing others as second-class citizens. This can also seriously damage a person’s self-esteem.

There are two main problems in this process of intimidation in medical visits. The first is that the seller does not feel sure of himself. The second is that you do not sell well due to that lack of confidence that you have and your sales skills will be greatly diminished.

The three steps to overcoming bullying

First of all, you will have to develop the right attitude .

You must adopt a conscious attitude that the client, in this case the doctor, is a human being just like you. You should treat them with the dignity and respect they deserve, but you deserve it just the same. Both of you are two professionals who should speak to each other as equals.

It’s about being confident.

Too many sales representatives see the relationship with the doctor as a one-way street where it is the doctor who provides them with business. Aren’t you offering him products that help him? Do your products not offer benefits to both him and his patients? Won’t you help him do his job much better?

You’re helping him get a job done right. Sometimes he’ll act like he can get the job done without you, but he really can’t. Physicians must be aware of the latest developments in medicines to always offer the best solution to their patients.

You may be wondering: And can’t he just go to the competition? There is always that option, obviously. That is why you must believe in the products you are selling. You have to believe that the products you offer are the best and have no competitor. If you don’t believe it, what are you doing selling them?

The second key point is to develop competencies.

Competition in medical sales is based on factors: knowledge of your market segment, your product and your sales skills. Basic knowledge includes everything you need to know about the specialty or market segment you sell to. For example, if you are selling a product line specifically for cardiac surgery, you need to learn about cardiovascular anatomy and physiology and need to acquire a minimum understanding of the different cardiac surgical procedures associated with your products. Learn the surgical protocol, problems and possible solutions.

Product knowledge is essential.

No one is going to know more about that than you. You have to master all aspects, as well as comparisons with your competitors. Here you are the expert.

When it comes to sales skills, you are the professional in this field and you must know the situation to be in control at all times even if you are in hostile territory. When you have confidence in your ability to present ideas, prepare them and how to handle any situation, there will be no intimidating you.

Finally, you have to accept that part of the intimidation comes because you may lose something in this negotiation, you may lose that business. However, that is something that will always be there and you must accept it as such. That’s why competent sales professionals know how to leave the door open for future opportunities when they can’t close the sale or lose business to their competitor. You should treat this failure as a temporary situation. Let your client know that you will be available when they need you, maybe not today, but maybe tomorrow.

Bullying can lower our sales when it destroys the confidence we have in our abilities. Our job is to serve the customer, offering products and services that make their job easier. Remember that it is a situation in which professionals work with professionals. Then bullying will be a thing of the past.

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